Sunday, 6 July 2008

06.07.08 Dordrecht

As you know, we have agreed with the 'DW' (Dutch Waterways) that we can leave Riccall here in the historic harbour for the next 2 weeks while we return to GB by bike, train, plane and kind lift from Angela.

We have been to the local Aldi (!!!!!), the 2nd hand shop, the only working windmill and all around and about! The few days we have been here have gone in a flash.

On the second day one of the moored barges left and we were advised by 'DW' to moor where it had been, beside two other barges.

The owner was not there when we moored and it became apparent overnight that the sloshing about from the wake of the big ships outside the harbour was causing so much movement between us that all the ropes and tyres were groaning and sqeaking most of the night.

The next day Lisette (fifty, feisty and single) from the next barge popped out the moment Alex appeared, to complain that she had had a terrible night with the noise et. etc.

Alex had to do a massive crawling job - full-on diplomacy and charm to mollify her: explaining that he had been up and outside at 4 am himself (true) trying to quieten things down, and agreed to do everything possible to resolve the situation: different types of rope, different mooring style, extra ropes to the shore etc (and in the end, unbeknown to Lisette, grease all over the tyres between us!).

The lovely bunch of freesias Louise bought and presented along with her heartfelt apologies, brought forth cheek-kissing, smiles and thanks, so perhaps all will be well.

We hope all this will have worked - Saturday night was fine - but there is much less ship movement over the weekend so Monday am will be crunch time.

Back to the UK on Tuesday, for an action-packed week. You should see the list of things we have to do, people we must see, and items we need to buy and bring back with us - decent tea bags being top of the list, closely folowed by Alex's favourite crisps 0nly UK Aldi can do!


SimonRuston said...

Hi Guys, can’t believe I have just got to your Blog and you are on your way back to UK. Had a quick look and it looks like you are having an eventful trip. Will go back to my tender now and have a proper look at the site later. Yorkshire show tomorrow!


Lisette said...
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