Thursday, 17 July 2008

17.07.08 Home from Home

Here we are, back ‘home’ in Dordrecht. After a hectic week back at ‘home’ in Methley Bridge and back at ‘home’ in Newton Aycliffe, we really feel more ‘at home’ on Riccall than anywhere else, if you get our meaning!!

Setting off for the UK, we cycled to the station, caught the train with 2 minutes to spare (always fatal to get up half an hour too early – it gives you a false sense of lack of rush) – got to the airport with plenty of time, got back to the UK on time and were picked up by Angela (thanks Angela) and dropped off at our narrowboat.

Thereafter, the following days were spent at dentists, accountants (Alex), opticians, hairdressers (Louise), old folks’ homes, Louise’s son’s home, our home in Newton Aycliffe, friends in Harrogate and Richmond, and finally the boat in Methley Bridge again. Then the lift, flight, train and bike in reverse! What a palava! Funny how at the airport they were more interested in swabbing the laptop for signs of explosive powder – than noticing the block of semtex disguised as seriously strong cheddar cheese (a present for friends)!

I mean, I ask you, without wishing to sound racist here, how many 59 year old, white Caucasian Englishmen, born and bred in Northumberland, become suicide bombers? We’ve better things to do with our lives.

Our next door neighbour had had no more problems with noisy tyres or ropes (what a relief) and George and Susanne welcomed us back and came for drinks and nibbles the evening before they departed for the south.

We have secured a new, old bicycle for Alex (E40) in the traditional Dutch style of sit up and beg, which is great, and we have arranged to have winter moorings in Gent. So we are all set to leave Dordrecht next week and meander our way to Amsterdam and then slowly south via Maastricht to Gent over the next three months.

Come April 2009 we intend to head off into the French canal system for 8 months or so. But plans are, as always, as fluid as the water we float upon, so we shall see.

More in a week or so, but in between, some pics of us arriving at our Dordrecht moorings and of Aeolus leaving.

1 comment:

McPat said...

I just hope I've done this "blog thing" right! Is it Loch Ness 2010? McPat